Gotta Be Starting Something
Yesterday, was an eventful day of closing chapters and beginning new ones. It started off with a very quick but cute lunch with my RISD clan at a pizza joint in Midtown. It felt very Sex and the City. We wanted each other's company so bad, that even a mere 45 minutes of girl talk over pizza would do. Anything to escape the mundane lifestyle of the office and just to be amongst familiar people that I actually love has become a necessity for me. We all tried to catch up on our lives, July 4 th plans, new business proposition, who is working where now, love interests etc. It disappoints me that we have to seriously plan a get together in our adult lives and it's not as easy as it once was just to stop by their room two floors above me and give a shout whenever I felt like it. I miss those days, but I'm also quite proud to feel that everyone is attempting to maintain a relationship even if we are growing in different directions and at different speeds. After my speed lunch ...